There can be many reason to scrap book, setting up albums, creating baby albums, saving memorabilia of children's events, from birthdays, school activities, graduation, holidays, outings, vacations, your pets and so much more, its only limited by your imagination.
What I remember my mother-in-law did was create albums with all of her greeting cards, (store bought at that time) and once compiled into large books, her grandchildren loved looking through them every time the family got together, seeing those cards they had given her over the years, brought back many memories and lots of enjoyment.
So what is your choice of Scrapbooking, making your own elements to create or purchasing the many establishments? What ever it is there are so many things that can be created, simple to difficult, a lot of enjoyment can be derived in seeing your books come together.
You can visit my Facebook Page at Scrapbooking By Inches
Share links to your creations add them in a comment.Thanks for stopping by!!! Until next time, scrap a day!!!
Such a sweet layout!